12 Funny Kelso Burn Memes That Will Make You Lol
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 12:10 pm
By:James Fraser
Hey, do you enjoy watching stupid people getting burned? If so, you have just arrived at the right place! Prepare yourself to see some of the best Kelso Burn memes, and witness dumb people getting owned mercilessly. There exist a lot of burn memes on the internet, and one of them uses a photograph of "That '70s Show" character, Michael Kelso, portrayed by Ashton Kutcher. What you are about to see now are only those Michael Kelso Burn memes. If you don't want to delay things any further, just scroll down the page to start seeing the memes!
7.Oh, Snap!
Done reading that? Let's keep the fun part aside, and let's talk about something important. The texts from the girl have pessimism written all over them. Girls, don't even think that men find such words cute. Most guys find it awkward and annoying when they have to respond to their girlfriends' negative behavior. It is evident from her third text that she is not only a worrywart but also an obsessive girlfriend. Do you want to lose your boyfriend? Because that's how you lose a boyfriend!

8.Is The Baby Okay?!
What on earth was that guy thinking? The comeback is hilarious, but what's funnier than that is that fat guy's claim of being shot four times in the stomach! Gutshots (bullet to the stomach) are exceedingly rare these days, but they were once the most preferred choice of assassins when they had to give their victims a slow and painful death. As the responsiveness of our medical system has increased multiple folds over the past few decades, anyone who takes a bullet to their gut can be saved depending upon the intensity of the damage. Nonetheless, the fat troll is hilarious!

9.Did You Take Off Your Makeup?
Let's assume there was no second sentence in her FB post. Do you think that Michael dude would still pick on that girl? He would be less likely to do that! There's a fine line between confidence and overconfidence, motivation and getting carried away, sending a message and bragging that people need to understand! Anyway, glad that she lost two pounds in a week, and let's hope the effort inspired some other people in her friends' group.

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