12 Funny Murica Memes That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 10:54 am
By:James Fraser
The internet fondly calls America, Murica! The term, Merica/Murica refers to the stereotypical Americans such as obese, southerners, hillbillies, gun-toting, and flag-waving patriots. In the recent years, non-Americans have been using it to insult or ridicule the United States and its people. Interestingly, the slang name was chalked by none other than the Americans themselves! Murica memes are very popular on the internet, and unsurprisingly, almost all of them make fun of the USA and censure its interference in world politics in the name of freedom. Check these 12 funny Murica memes that are sure to make you laugh!
10.'Murican Breakfast
Guns, rifles, and an assortment of breakfast foods including a toast that has Jesus' face - can you find more American breakfast than this? That toast with Jesus face engraved on it looks very interesting, though. There are some custom toasters available on the market that stamp Christ's face on bread. Just in case if you are curious, you may purchase one for you on Amazon. Just make sure you don't hurt your religious grandma's feelings by eating Jesus Christ right in front of her!

11.This Hilarious 'Murican Meme
Not all Americans play with guns! Some car enthusiasts spend their entire leisure time on building custom cars, and the craze for such cars is very high in the United States. Forget about that orange car with oversized tires on the top, and focus on that funny picture on the bottom that shows Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky in a hilarious way. If you notice, Clinton's pant is unzipped! Man, that's the craziest picture we have seen in the recent times!

12.This Weird Thing
That's a coach? Wait, no! Apparently, two chairs are fused together so that a fat person can sit on it! What's more interesting, though, is that freedom-themed seat cover. It does look very comfortable, and even ordinary people fancy a chance to sit on that double chair! Anyway, this meme once again highlights the American weight problems. Let's hope people do something serious about losing weight and regain their looks as well as good health back.

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