12 Funny Waiting Skeleton Memes
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 11:46 am
By:James Fraser
Be it waiting for your partner who said they would show up in five minutes, expecting a rise in your salary, growth in business, or even waiting for a right partner; every one of us waits for someone or something, and that's an essential part of life. Sometimes, things never happen at all despite months or even years of waiting. The meme community uses a skeleton to describe such situations, and what you are about to see now are a bunch of such funny waiting skeleton memes.
7.Waiting For Wife In A Cloth Store!
The rule of thumb is you should never accompany a woman to a cloth store! If you have to gift her some clothes, give her some vouchers or hand her your credit card (which again is a dangerous thing!), but avoid going to the store with her. Let her female friends join her in the shopping, and let them all spend an eternity shopping for clothes! If there's no alternative but to go shopping with her, make sure your phone has 100% battery beforehand!
8.My Family Waiting For Me To Get Married!
What they don't know is that you too are a waiting skeleton that's terribly awaiting something good to happen, like finding a right person, buying a car, or settling well financially! Every parent in the world wants their kids to marry, have children, and raise a family. Some of us don't like the idea of marriage or kids, but trust us, having a family increases the sense of responsibility, thus helping you to aim for more in your life!
9.Waiting On That Text Back Like!
It's worse if you just end up receiving "K" in return! Waiting too long for a text, especially from a crush, partner, or someone who's very close to our heart can be painful. Our crazy mind then goes into a defensive and start believing that they are intentionally ignoring us! Hey, people can be genuinely busy at the time, and they may not respond back immediately. If you always find a lack of enthusiasm in their texts, you need to understand that they are not as interested as you are in them.
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