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12 Hilarious Caught Staring Pictures Ever

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 7:11 am

Most boys check out girls. It's something that is related to evolution, and men just can't help it. We don't think it's a bad thing unless it negatively progresses into stalking or catcalling. Though many girls don't straightaway agree, it is a fact that they check boys too! Checking out people is all fine until we get caught doing that! Guys staring at girls, girls looking at guys, girls staring at girls - here are 12 hilarious pictures that show people staring at others in a creepy or awkward way.

#3 President Obama

You would think that the president of the United States would be immune to the lure of the female form, but that doesn't appear to be true. President Obama is just as affected as any other normal red blooded male when he sees some great curves and he can't help but take a look.

President Obama-12 Hilarious Caught Staring Pictures Ever


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