12 Hilarious Friday Memes That Will Brighten Up Your Friday
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 1:57 pm
By:James Fraser
FRIDAY - the one word with six letters is powerful than one thousand inspirational quotes when it comes to motivating an individual! We all love Fridays, and most of us love the Friday night more than the entire weekend! Friday is the day we finally take a break from week long hard work. Friday is the day when can hang out with our friends and party hard! Let us all acknowledge the greatness of Friday and celebrate it with these bunch of funny Friday memes. There's no better way to kill time at the office on a lazy Friday noon than browsing these Friday memes!
1.Hands Up If You Love Fridays!
This adorable little cat loves Fridays, and as you can see it, the "purry" friend is asking you to raise your hands up if you love Fridays as well! Cats don't need Fridays, anyway. They don't need to go to work, make money, or deal with a variety of problems that, we, humans, struggle to handle. Cats eat, sleep, and boss around the home as if they are the supreme leaders of Earth! Stray cats go through many problems, though. Hey, heck, you still have your hands up in the air? The kitten is just joking!

2.It's Friday Bitches!
Isn't that you when you leave work on a Friday evening? You may stay exhausted, bored, and uninspired for an entire week beginning from Monday morning, but boy, your body, mind, and soul feel like they have come to life all of a sudden on Friday evening! Everyone eagerly waits for something on the weekend. For some, it is alcohol and parties. Some settle with weed and drugs. A few guys and girls get completely lost in sexy dates, while some loners pamper themselves with some drinks, food, and movies!

3.I Don't Have To Use Alarm Clock, Tomorrow!
For us, that is the best part of a weekend! You don't need to wake up early in the morning, take a bath, get ready, and go to the office. If you are fortunate enough not to have any responsibilities, no one's going to wake you up on a Saturday morning even if you sleep until the noon. The same thing repeats on Sunday as well! Hey, it feels great to sleep, but don't waste your weekend with abnormal sleeping patterns. Wake up early in the morning if you don't want your weekend to go too fast.

4.That Feels Great!
Sometimes, we mess up dates so badly that we either live a Thursday thinking it is Friday or spend a Friday believing it to be Thursday. The first case is horrible because your mind prepares your body for a terrific Friday night! The second assumption, just as described in the meme, is important because, theoretically, you get your weekend a day before than anticipated. Just to remind you, if you are thinking about Friday every day, your life is in bad shape. Fridays are exciting, we agree, but waiting for them just prove that you remain unhappy in the remaining days.

5.Netflix And Chill Solo!
If you don't feel like hanging out with friends, just spend the Friday night in the comfort of your own bedroom with a pint of beer or glass of wine, some yummy food, and a great movie! Yes, people do judge those who drink alone or have a good time by themselves because they think it's not okay to be a loner. They believe that one can enjoy only when they are in a group. They may be right, or they may be wrong, but if you want to do Netflix and Chill Solo, you can do that because it's your life and choices, not someone else's.

6.Haha, That's Funny!
Do you know a jobless guy or girl who gets excited about weekends as if they are working? We all have them, and they do sound funny when they say TGIF. Remember, weekends make them happy because they finally can hang out with their friends who are usually unavailable on weekdays. Unemployed people spend their entire workweek fruitlessly trying to secure a job, not finding friends to hang out. That is why they find weekends more exciting than their working counterparts.

7.When You Have No Money, But It's Already Friday!
If you are an employee or worker who makes just enough money from making your ends meet, you sometimes run into situations where you don't have enough money to party on a Friday night, just as described in the meme. That sucks, but that's a part of our life, and we can't do much about it unless such financially crippling situations inspire us to make more money. Unless one's into alcohol, weed, drugs, etc. big time, they can easily spend a dry or money-free weekend.

8.Friday Nights When You Are In Your Thirties!
That's accurate, isn't it? Everything changes once you hit the thirty-year mark. Your priorities, responsibilities, your outlook on life, happiness, enjoyment, everything changes! Whether you are a boy or girl, all you need when you cross thirty is some rest, peace of mind, and good night sleep. With that said, some older guys and girl still enjoy partying, and they do that as if there is no tomorrow!

9.Leaving Work On Friday Like
This meme also is an accurate depiction of weekend bliss most of us experience! Hey, if you are a manager or supervisor, pay attention to those people who keep falling sick now and then, on a Friday evening! Most of them are going to surprise you with their energy and enthusiasm, as they run away to their homes just like how Forrest Gump is seen running in this picture! To be frank, a lot of us rush through things to go home as soon as we can because we need to get ready, leave home, and party hard! Yay!!! Byt the we do have a list of some hilarious Monday memes, just in case.

10.It's Friday, Get In!
Would you mind hanging out with this beautiful dog this weekend? Oh boy, it looks cool and gives us an impression that it's on its way to a Hollywood night party! Don't hesitate to get in the car; you don't know where you may end up going! Man, that poodle really looks like a celebrity. It has class written all over its face. It appears that this adorable poodle lives a better life than many people out there in the world! Happy weekend, doggo!

11.How I Pretend To Work On Friday?
It feels lazy to be at work on Friday, so is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, if you find yourself stuck at a wrong workplace! Fridays are exciting, but procrastinating is one worse thing to do on a day before the weekend. That just makes the upcoming Monday even more horrible. Completing your duties and tasks on Friday lets, you enjoy the weekend wholeheartedly without needing to worry about the things you need to do on Monday or explanation you owe to your hierarchies. If you are looking for more work memes, then look no further.

12.I Got 99 Problems, But They Can Wait Till Monday!
Aren't we talking just about this thing a few seconds ago? It sounds like a good idea to skip work, issues, problems, etc. until Monday, but that doesn't let you enjoy your weekend enthusiastically. When Monday arrives, all those things are going to fall on your head, making your life horrible. You then wait for another weekend just to escape the reality, but once the weekend is over, you are back dealing with the mess that is now beyond repair! Work hard on weekdays and have fun during the weekend!

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