15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 11:48 am
By:James Fraser
We all text our parents, what's the big deal? Most of the text conversations we have with our parents are normal. With that said, not all parents are same with their kids, We also have these super cool parents, who rock and nail the whole parenting thing when it comes to texting! Here are 15 most hilarious texts from parents.
13.This Playful Dad
Why so serious? Look at this dad playing with his son or daughter, calling himself famous. He finally decided to obey his fan's orders.

14.Now, This Helpful Mom
We shortlisted her for our 'Mom of the Year' award! Tell us if all of you girls reading this would love to have a mom like this one in the image? This incredibly cool mom is going places just to find a boyfriend for her daughter. This time, she found a Jewish guy who is going to medical school!

15.How Does the Turkey Smell?
We all know this son or daughter is referring to a cooked turkey, but this funny dad dropped a silent yet funny punch line, saying a turkey smells through its beak! That's one hilarious dad right there.

While you are reading hilarious texts from parents, We feel you would enjoy reading these 15 hilarious texts from grandparents as well. Happy Reading :) Do share this list and tag your parents and grandparents on it! :D
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