15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 11:48 am
By:James Fraser
We all text our parents, what's the big deal? Most of the text conversations we have with our parents are normal. With that said, not all parents are same with their kids, We also have these super cool parents, who rock and nail the whole parenting thing when it comes to texting! Here are 15 most hilarious texts from parents.
10.This Highly Supportive Dad
His daughter wants to stab someone in the eye with a rusty fork. Her dad asks her to wear gloves and stuff! He doesn’t even want to know who she wants to stab, That's one cool dad right there.

11.Ultimate ‘Burn’
What if someone's dad is smarter and cooler than him? The result will be something like this! "Your face is protection enough," says this highly insulting yet funny dad, giving his son the embarrassment of his lifetime. Texts from dad are usually hilarious, but this one is hilarious and downright rude at the same time! The dad is mocking his son for probably his ugly looks. He sounds confident. He should have motivated his son instead of being rude to him. After all, it was he who passed down those unattractive genes to his son!

12.Wrong Text To Wrong Person At The Wrong Time
This dad never tried to cover up stuff and cook up a whole new story! He calls his children assholes in a text message that he was supposed to send to his wife but sent to one of his kids instead. When his son or daughter asked back if they are the one he was referring to, he simply said yes! THIS DAD IS A BADASS!

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