12 Hilarious Triggered Memes That Are Sure To Make Someone Triggered
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 1:03 pm
By:James Fraser
If we were to list down everything that hurts people in 2017 on paper, perhaps, the length of the parchment would be so large that it can encircle a fat feminist woman's belly twice or engirdle the entire Earth thrice! Did the very first sentence of this topic trigger you? If so, then you are at a wrong place. If not, then you are going to enjoy these 12 triggered memes on this topic! Whether you are a white person, black person, Asian, straight, gay, queer, or even a genderless potato, football, cottage cheese, you should stop reacting to criticism hurled by people in your community. Protest when someone insulted you, not when someone insulted your group!
1.Feminist Triggered!
When you close your eyes and think of dumb feminists, you are definitely going to see this red hair feminist! Her name is Chanty Binx, and she is a famous internet feminist meme! Just as this meme depicts, she really gets offended by a mere sight of the word, man! Girls, if you want to be a feminist and stand for women rights, don't get inspired by the likes of Chanty Binx. These pseudo-feminists don't do anything useful. They just bash men round the clock, call all of them rapists and pigs, and go out on streets to talk about things that they don't even know in the first place.

2.Hitler Triggered!
Why did Hitler hate Jews so much that he killed millions of them? The rule number one of dictatorship is that you need to unite a larger section of the society by demonizing a minor social group. Kim Jong Un of North Korea, for example. He enjoys a luxurious life while millions of his citizens dwell in extreme poverty. The country spends all of its money on making dangerous nuclear weapons instead of spending it on education, poverty eradication, healthcare, public welfare, etc. His regime can't survive unless he unites his people and make them hate the Americans. It was Jews in Hitler's case. Anti-Semitism has existed in Europe for hundreds of years, and an ordinary soldier named Hitler had chosen it to be his agenda to become the supreme leader of a nation.

3.Taylor Swift Triggered!
Understandably, no other word triggers Taylor Swift as much as "ex" does. From Drake to Pink, we have so many singers who write songs about their exes, but Taylor Swift beats them all. Many of Taylor Swift songs make a direct reference to her past, mostly to her exes, breakups, and the good or bad moments she had with them. She makes bold and straight references to her exes in her songs. The best example is her "Style" song. The male lead in the song looks identical to Harry Styles, and in fact, the title of the track, "Style," is a direct reference to the young British music icon!

4.Trump Triggered!
It is evident from his speeches that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, dislikes Muslims. With that being said, we can't conclude whether he really hates Muslims or just used an average American's aversion toward Islam as an opportunity to unite the Americans and thus create a strong vote bank. Donald Trump is an opportunist. Given the fact that he has many wealthy Arabs, Asians, and Blacks as friends, we can't say that Donald Trump hates a religion or race entirely.

5.Wage Gap: Triggered!
A female dentist makes more than a male construction worker. A Man who works in a STEM field makes significantly more than a woman who works in management or administration. With that said, a higher-level female manager in a technology company makes more money than a male programmer. Interestingly, a stripper makes a lot more money than an average man does. Feminists complain that companies pay a lot less to women who are as talented, hardworking, and passionate as men are. If that is the case, every company will hire only women, as every CEO wants to save as many bucks as they can on overheads!

6.Police Triggered!
Like other memes on this topic, this meme also depicts a major social problem. It is true that law-enforcement officials in the United States are highly impatient. They have a right to defend themselves in the case of adversity, by killing a suspect or criminal. In many other countries, the lower-rank officers need the permission of their higher authorities even to whip their baton, let alone firing a bullet. We can't blame cops entirely in this case. Unlike other countries, every citizen living in the United States has a right to own a firearm. Now, this means when a cop is tackling a suspect, the chances of him being killed by the suspect is high.

7.Hillary Clinton Triggered!
Not just Donald Trump, but a lot of other things trigger Hillary Clinton! She doesn't like his fans, either. Did you remember how she called a big percentage of the population "a basket of deplorables" just because they supported Donald Trump? Well, Hillary Clinton should have taken a balanced and unbiased approach toward all sections of the society. She pumped too much leftism and liberalism into her campaign, and we all knew how that ended.

8.Erdogan Triggered!
This meme makes a funny reference to 2016 Turkish Coup D'état, a military rebellion that fruitlessly tried to overthrow Turkish government and the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, from powers. Erdogan handled the coup attempt well and didn't let the country slip into the hands of rebels. Erdogan even successfully conducted and won a referendum very recently that would abolish the parliamentary democracy in Turkey and give up great powers of ruling to him.

9.Harambe Triggered!
Ouch, Harambe got triggered literally! Poor animal; it died for the negligence of people. Harambe's killing resulted in a huge backlash from millions around the world. Many people condemned Cincinnati Zoo for opting to lethal weapon over tranquilizer. The zoo had to do that, though. Tranquilizers don't work instantly, and they take up to 10 minutes to work. If the zoo staff tranquilized Harambe instead of shooting him, he might have attacked and killed the boy who slipped into his enclosure.

10.JFK Triggered!
JFK is the second on this topic to die of bullets. But this meme isn't talking about his tragic death, though. As you can see, the meme shows John F. Kennedy's love for Cuban cigars and his dislike for Cuba. Kennedy didn't like Cuba just like how a lot American Presidents hated it. Interestingly, hours before he imposed financial sanctions on the small Caribbean country, he reportedly purchased 1200 Cuban cigarettes because there would be no legal way to buy them once he imposed the sanctions.

11.The Monica Club
Triggered? Former President, Bill Clinton, looks as if the name tempted him! Clinton knew he was playing with fire, but then again, he put sex first and everything else next to it including his Presidency, marriage with Hillary Clinton, etc. He thought he could get away, but he couldn't. He became the second United States president to be impeached, but thanks to the loopholes in the law books, Clinton successfully managed to put a formal end to the scandal. Even though he was acquitted of charges, his misdemeanor made things easy for Republicans to win the subsequent election.

12.This Meme About Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Allegations
As you know, Bill Cosby is dealing with dozens of rape allegations in the recent months. Millions around the world have been criticizing this old man for his alleged sexual misconduct. The worse of it, though, is that Cosby is accused to have drugged his victims to rape them or explore their bodies without their consent. Shockingly, his spree of sexual assaults continued up to 2008 beginning from the early 1960s. Cosby is trying everything he can to escape arrest and rape charges. Let's see who wins - a 90-year-old man with $400 million or justice!

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