15 People Reveal The Dumb Things They Believed As A Kid
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:41 pm
By:James Fraser
Childhood is undoubtedly the happiest time of our life. As a kid, we always wished to grow up faster, escape school and do whatever we want to do. We cherish our childhood moments only when we grow up to become an adult. We even wish to go back and relive our childhood days because it was the best part of our life, no worries, living in a world of imagination, trying to figure how things work. We never really understand how the real world works when we are kids. The result? We end up imagining completely random stuff, and start to believe in them. We all had those misunderstandings and misconceptions in our childhood. Read fifteen dumb things people thought were true, when they were kids.
1.This is Really Dumb!
2.This Seriously Creative Childhood Belief
I thought that since my lock on my door said Lock Smith that there was a little man named Smith who unlocked the doors for us. I would stick little bits of cheese in the door to feed him as a treat for letting us in.

3.Another Funny Belief
I used to think that there were little people inside of the traffic lights who pressed buttons to make them change colors.

4.This Troll Dad
When we first got a car with electric windows, my sister and I couldn't figure out how the windows went down. My dad told us that they were voice activated – 'you just have to say windows up and windows down'. He would say it and then at the same time, press the button. My sister and I tried for ages to get the windows down by voice, and he kept telling us we were saying it wrong.

5.This Insanely Funny Misconception
6.When Sex Education at Home Goes Wrong
My parents told me that oral sex is when you talk about sex. Totally made sense at the time until I told all my friends "I had oral sex with my parents."

7.Where Does a Teacher Live?
When I was younger, I thought the teachers lived in their classrooms and it would freak me out when I saw them outside of school.

8.And the Troll Grandma
Since day one, my grandmother had me believing that the black and white cows made plain milk, the brown cows made chocolate milk, and the reddish cows made strawberry milk. I wasn't until I brought it up at the dinner table at age THIRTEEN, did I know that that is completely false.

9.Someone Blindly Believed in Dad's Magic Trick!
When I was little, I believed my dad could stop the rain at any second while driving down the freeway. What I didn't notice was that he would shout 'stop!' every time we would drive under an overpass.

10.Goat Kart!!!
11.Well, Teachers are Always a Mystery
In primary school, I used to think all my teachers lived in the same house making work together around the dinner table.

12.This Dumb But Very Popular Belief
13.And The Overly-concerned Kid
I thought kids had to payback their parents for food and toys and stuff. My grandma babysat me. When I saw my dad pay her I thought he was paying off his debts.

14.Sounds Very Interesting!
Whenever I complained that neighbor could stay up later than I could, my mom would say "our house has a bed time at 8pm." I thought when your house was built, someone from the government would assign it a bed time. I kept asking my mom if we could move.

15.Hilarious and Total Misunderstanding
When I was a kid, I thought if you were fired from a job, they set you on fire and that was why you couldn't work there anymore.

I'm sure many of us had some of these misunderstanding as a kid but you can't blame your childhood for it. As a kid, you are too innocent for this weird, dirty and mysterious world.
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