15 People Reveal The Dumb Things They Believed As A Kid
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:41 pm
By:James Fraser
Childhood is undoubtedly the happiest time of our life. As a kid, we always… Read More (+)
13.And The Overly-concerned Kid
I thought kids had to payback their parents for food and toys and stuff. My grandma babysat me. When I saw my dad pay her I thought he was paying off his debts.
14.Sounds Very Interesting!
Whenever I complained that neighbor could stay up later than I could, my mom would say "our house has a bed time at 8pm." I thought when your house was built, someone from the government would assign it a bed time. I kept asking my mom if we could move.
15.Hilarious and Total Misunderstanding
When I was a kid, I thought if you were fired from a job, they set you on fire and that was why you couldn't work there anymore.
I'm sure many of us had some of these misunderstanding as a kid but you can't blame your childhood for it. As a kid, you are too innocent for this weird, dirty and mysterious world.
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