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Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 1:21 pm

Working as a volunteer at festivals and large concerts is not as boring as you might have thought. Why? It's so because you get to meet lots of people (drunk and sober) and you see many interesting things happening right in front of your eyes! Free food, beer, and small gifts are a bonus if you are nice with the booth vendors! Read these 14 interesting stories told by a medical volunteer, and you will understand why working as a volunteer is actually great, and something you should prefer doing! 
13.Meeting the Sweet People

"I'm not hurt." 
"I just wanted to come give you all hugs and say thank you." 

Meeting the Sweet People-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

14.And the Occasional Scary Moments

Haul in a passed and crashed festee.
Get to see what a human brain looks like when it reboots behind his eye balls! 

And the Occasional Scary Moments-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

You need not be a trained medical volunteer to volunteer. There are tons of other ways a volunteer can help out organizers at a big event. If you are really that interested, check out the official websites of the events, and send them an email expressing your interest in volunteering. They are more likely to get back to you.

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