12 Most Ridiculous Bras Ever Made
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 12:14 pm
Tony Williams
Did you know bra was invented by Caresse Crosby in 1914? A bra was never a man's idea! In fact, women have been playing a crucial role in innovating bras since the very beginning. Bras have come a long way in these hundred years. They make breasts look big, firm, and fuller. That being said, some undergarments that go by the name minimizer bras make bust appear small! Let's not peek into the mainstream lingerie. Allow us to present you with these 12 most ridiculously creative bras worn by kooky girls!
#1 Udderly Magnificent
Well what can you say about this bra that the photograph itself is not already saying? Yes the designer of this bra has decided to turn it into udders and there is something quite majestic about it all when you stop and think about it. Oh and the jokes in your head are filthy, so stop it now!
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