15 Hilarious Differences Between What Your Girlfriend Thinks And Reality
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:35 pm
By:James Fraser
No one in the world knows more about you than yourself. Different people have different opinions on you. People don't tell you, but if they do, you will be surprised to know how they may perceive your personality wrong. It's only you who knows your real personality! People closer to you like your girlfriend too don't understand you well. Check these fifteen differences between reality and what your girlfriend thinks is the reality!
4.Going to Gym
Gym goers do spend most of their time looking into mirrors! It's true.

5.How Your Girlfriend Sees Your Female Friends
No matter how kind your female friends are, your girlfriend will always have a doubt running in one corner of her mind.

6.Girlfriends and Their Anger
They may be true in most cases, but let's not forget those ladies who beat their boyfriends. Yes, they exist!

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