15 Stupidest Faces Our Favorite Celebrities Make
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 2:04 pm
Mike Litzler
Sometimes, willingly or unwillingly, many of us make "derp" faces while posing for a camera. Such photos look anywhere from ugly to funny. At times, celebrities make funny faces too. You are right! You are about to see those funny and stupid faces our celebs flashed in the past. Some stars intentionally made silly faces. The others just did that accidentally. Either way, their faces look too funny to not to laugh! See Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson, Robert Pattinson, George Clooney, and many more celebrity derps on the topic. Don't miss seeing Emma Watson's troll face!
#4 George Clooney
Here is George Clooney attending a press conference .I couldn't understand what question was asked to him for which he made such a stupid face. It's looking like he was thinking extremely hard for answering that question that he forgot how is he looking into the camera .I think he could also win an another award for making stupid faces.

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