Top 15 Cheerleading Fails That Will Make You Lol
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 12:07 pm
Mike Litzler
Cheerleading is fun. Cheerleaders are pretty! Only after you see these cheerleading fails pictures you will realize cheerleading is not an easy job, and it isn't really for everyone. Do you know cheerleading is predominantly an American culture that spread to the other countries in the recent years? The history of cheerleading goes back to the 18th century. As expected, organized cheering first started in American colleges, as girls back then were trying to cheer their college sports teams. Over the years it evolved big until it became a profession. Check these fifteen cheerleading fails, and we bet you will laugh out loud at them!
#11 The Mascot
OK you just know that this has been a dare for the guy in the mascot costume, but the timing of the photograph is absolutely perfect. However, the thing that does just clinch the image is the look on her face as she could not have timed it any better and this does deserve to be sent around as a fail, but only a fail in her not being able to keep a straight face.

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