15 Images That Prove Life's Not Fair With Everyone
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 5:03 am
By:James Fraser
Is your life the same what you have expected it to be, a few years ago? Life is unpredictable. The whole concept of life is so complicated and fragile that anything can happen in the next second. As much as life is unpredictable, it is unfair too. Welcome to our world where we have people who can't find time to spend money and people who spend their entire life to earn their daily bread. Some of us are beautiful, and some of us aren't. Here are fifteen images that show how life isn't fair for everyone.
4.Inability to Grow Beard; Men Know the Pain
Some men never have their beard even when they enter their thirties. Result? They end up looking like babies! Men only know the value of facial hair when they are incapable of growing a thick beard. If you are one of those guys, and if you think life is unfair to you, check this woman here who has a very good beard.

5.When You are Forever Alone
Contrary to what most people might think, there is a sizable number of good looking men, who hardly have a girlfriend. Despite looking good and making good money, some men end up being single most of the times. We all call them 'forever alone' guys. We find many ugly looking dudes around us, who have a very good looking girlfriend. At the same time, we see many good looking guys dating ugly ladies. Confused, right? It's life, brothers!

6.All He Got is a Trunk of a Tree
This picture too nicely sums up this list. When you are young, all you hope for is some money, friends, and a girlfriend or boyfriend. We always dream big. It is understandable when we don't get something we badly want. But, it is more painful when we couldn't make our smallest wishes come true.

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