12 Funny "When Women Take Their Men Shopping" Pictures
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 7:41 am
Tony Williams
Where do you find a bunch of sad-looking, misery-stricken, and jaded men sitting as if it is the last day of their life? Yes, of course, at a shopping mall! It all starts when their wives or girlfriends leave them at the lobby, and magically disappear from there. As the time ticks, their boredom slowly progresses into impatience, annoyance, and intolerance. Men then start to hate their partners. The situation gets so worse that they start to hate the entire world and even themselves! Nah, girls, we aren't exaggerating things. Take a look at these 12 "when women take their men shopping" photos and you will understand how depressing the situation can be. If you were a men's rights activist, these pictures would make you cry immediately!
#11 Ni-Ni!
Then still others just fling themselves on any available mattress and fall into a deep unashamedly much needed sleep. Wake me up when you are finished will you love.

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