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15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:51 pm

Americans(US) are different. They are cool. However, as a non-American, you may find them weird. They speak fast and loud. Yet they are probably the friendliest people on the Earth. If you visit America for the first time, there is an ocean of interesting things that will surprise you. Here are fifteen things about US that rest of the world finds weird.
10.Free Soft Drink Refills

The one thing international foodies love the most in US is its free soft drink refills offered in popular fast food restaurant chains. There is no such concept of free refills in many countries. Even in countries like UK, you will be charged for every glass of soda you drink in a restaurant. Most non-American don't quite understand how restaurants can afford free refills of soda.

Free Soft Drink Refills-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

11.Credit Card Security

Most non-Americans believe American credit cards are less secure. America still uses the age-old signature system which is not at all secure, as signatures can easily be forged and cashiers may not always correctly check them. This system, however, is most convenient. Banks from other countries use a second layer of protection for better security. Most countries use chip/pin enabled credit cards where people need to enter a 4 digit pin (passkey) at check out.

Credit Card Security-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

12.Extremely Long Distances Between Cities

United States is third largest country in the world. The distance between US's east coast and west coast is more than 3000 miles. Belgium is just about the size of Maryland. Afghanistan is little smaller than Texas. Most countries in the world are small. When people from small countries visit US, they find it strange to see extremely long distance between cities.

Extremely Long Distances Between Cities-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

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