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15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:51 pm

Americans(US) are different. They are cool. However, as a non-American, you may find them weird. They speak fast and loud. Yet they are probably the friendliest people on the Earth. If you visit America for the first time, there is an ocean of interesting things that will surprise you. Here are fifteen things about US that rest of the world finds weird.
7.American Football

Sports fans, especially the ones from European countries always find American football weird. You can find numerous high voltage discussions between American football fans and fans of soccer on why American football is not actually football. Global soccer fans call American football 'hand-egg'!

American Football-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA


Jaywalking isn't an offence in many countries. Most countries let their citizens walk or cross roads freely, but only exert caution. Many people who come to US don't even know that jaywalking is offence in most urban parts of US. Most people find it very weird to know that you may be arrested if you don't use pedestrian crossings to cross a road.

Jaywalking-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

9.American Bread is Sweet

Most non-Americans complain that all kinds of breads in America taste sweet. In other countries, sandwich bread, brown bread or plain white bread are not sweet. If breads are sweet, they are labeled as sweet. Americans can't tell whether or not their breads taste sweet because they are used to it.

American Bread is Sweet-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

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