15 Historical Pictures That Are Really Shocking
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 9:45 pm
By:James Fraser
The world was a completely different place a couple of centuries back. Until the 19th century, there was little to no good technology. The 19th century was the beginning of a completely new era the humans may not have imagined before. There was electricity. There were automobiles. Scientists developed advanced guns, bombs, and fighter jets that have taken wars to an all new level. The following fifteen shocking pictures will take you back to the 19th and 20th centuries, to show some of the shocking and interesting moments of the scary olden days.
1.Chernobyl's 'Elephant's Foot'
What you see in the picture is the molten radioactive fuel of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which was exposed when the plant exploded in 1986. The radioactive mass can kill you in less than a minute with extreme radiation if you stand next to it.

2.The First Atomic Bomb - The Gadget
The United States tested first ever nuclear weapon in the world on July 16, 1945. The US called the test 'Trinity', and named the bomb 'The Gadget.' Shortly after the success of 'Trinity', US dropped two atomic bombs named 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man' on two Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

3.A Control Room of a Japanese Submarine
Submarine's history dates back to 16th century. However, submarines didn't evolve as warfare equipment to participate in wars until the 19th century. The picture shows the control room of a German submarine. Back in those days, the submarines were called 'U-boats.'

4.This Powerful Picture of a Soldier Passing a Flower through the Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall was constructed by East Germany to keep the country's professionals, intellectuals, and workers from going to West Germany. About 2.5 million people left East Germany from the year 1949 to 1961. The wall was taken down in the early 1990s to mark reunification of Germany.

5.Underwater Nuclear Tests
During the Cold War period, the US and the USSR (now Russia) tested nuclear bombs under water for about eight times. Underwater nuclear explosions are dangerous. They were banned in 1963.

6.A Picture Taken During the Armenian Genocide
Ottoman Empire (Turkish Empire) committed atrocities against the minority Armenian community living in the empire and killed about 1.5 million people from 1915 to 1953.

7.SS Auxiliaries Laughing at Auschwitz
Auschwitz concentration camp is one of those Nazi concentration and extermination camps operated by the Nazi Germany to kill Jews. About 1 million Jews were tortured and killed at this camp.

8.Picture of Soldiers and Their Mule Wearing a Gas Mask
From 1900 to 1950, for about fifty years, there was an immense surge in technological inventions and discoveries. The period also witnessed two world wars and numerous genocides that killed millions of people.

9.Japanese Politician Assassination
Inejiro Asanuma was a Japanese politician and staunch supporter of socialism. He was the leader of the Japan Social Party. In 1960, he was assassinated by a 17-year-old boy named Otoyo Yamaguchi with a samurai sword. Shortly after the incident, the boy killed himself in police custody.

10.Execution of a German Communist
Germany was a total mess during the first and second world wars. Communist Party of Germany was in existence from 1918 to 1933, until the arrival of Nazi rule. German forces killed numerous communists.

11.Testing a Bullet Proof Vest
In 1923, Protective Garment Corporation, a New York-based bulletproof vest maker, developed a lightweight bulletproof vest. Founders and salespersons of the company were photographed while giving a live demonstration to the police officials.

12.Samuel Reshevsky, the Youngest Chess Player to Beat Chess Masters
Samuel Reshevsky was a Polish man who moved to the United States. He was known for his chess skills. He learned the game when he was four years old. By the time he turned 8, he was able to defeat many top chess players around the world.

13.Picture Showing the Last Jew Being Killed in Vinnitsa (Ukraine)
The picture shows a member of Einsatzgruppe D just about to kill a Jewish man, who was kneeling before a mass grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, in 1941. At that time, over 28,000 Jews were massacred in the region.

14.The Hasanlu Lovers
The Hasanlu Lovers are the name given to human remains unearthed at Teppe Hasanlu archeological site (Iran). The two skeletons look like they were kissing at the time of the burial. Interestingly, both the skeletons are male.

15.The Last Picture of the Titanic
This was the last picture of the RMS Titanic, photographed by an Irish priest. The ship sank on the morning of 15th April 1912, after colliding with an iceberg.

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