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Craziest Wall Hooks

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 3:51 pm

1.Cluster Hooks

Whilst they might look a little Artie and are certainly different one can only wonder how dangerous the walls in this home become if you accidentally brush up against them. This cluster hook idea is just crazy.

2.Hippo Hook

Who knew that a hippopotamus butt and open jaw could make such an awesome wall hook? Clearly the person that made this because what an amazing imagination they have.

3.Soft Lighting

Hooks and wall hanging areas can really add to the decor of a room. These certainly do with their soft lights spilling into the room and in the right setting this is going to be the absolutely perfect hook.

4.An Unhappy Hook!

This little fellow doesn't look too happy at the prospect of being used as a hanger or hook. One does wonder why it took so long to come up with this obvious idea of excellent hooks.


Words are quite popular now around the home and this 'hang' hook furniture item will at least remind you where to hang stuff? Other words are available, but this has to be the most apt and best one out there.

6.Plain Crazy

Some people have creativity, some have great ideas and the two can create something special. This doll arm and leg hook idea however, is just plain crazy, but hey if somebody likes it then fair enough.

7.Personalized Hooks

Make your hooks more personalized by adding a photograph of yourself or someone you admire. This guy had hook arms so it was a lot easier and considering he is a terrorist at least it is poking fun at him as well.


8.A Really Handy Hook

This is the type of hook many mothers and fathers might have been looking for! Used in a public rest-room in this instance it could really prove to be quite handy.

9.Turning Surprising Things Into Hooks

Anything with a curve in it, could make an excellent hook. Even these brightly painted industrial steel pipes. It just takes a little imagination and a bit of effort to end up with something that is actually pretty cool.


10.Little Teapots

Old teapots can not only make amazing hooks but also great wall holders. This idea is quite clever and who ever thought of storing paintbrushes in such an attractive way?


These Goth-like claw hands make great wall hooks. On a dark and stormy night they may look a little scary though, but it is quite a clever design and it is certainly a lot different from most of the hooks out there.


12.Wiggly Tails

Sometimes dog-butt ornaments come in handy. Particularly if they have a wiggly little tail, which is useful for hanging things on and at least it could have been a lot worse than this.


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