15 Cutest Disney Tattoos That Will Make You Want To Have One
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 7:24 am
Tony Williams
Choosing a tattoo is a tough job. There are far too many tattoo categories to choose from. Abstract designs, flowers, cartoon characters, quotes, 3D Tattoos, what not!!! Tattoo research is an exhaustive job. The rule remains same, though. The tattoo has to be creative, understandable and neatly-inked otherwise; it may lead to tattoo disasters for the internet to laugh about. Disney cartoon characters are also a popular tattoo choice. Cartoon character tattoos reflect playful nature of a person. Here are fifteen Disney tattoos that look too beautiful.
#8 Mickeys
This type of tattoo is usually done with stars, but the trail of Mickeys is a cute idea. Only someone stuck in a cave wouldn't be able to recognize this famous mouse. The Mickey heads are fairly simple, but their placement makes this tattoo unique. And if this woman ever gets tired of having mice on her back, she can always turn them into hearts.


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