15 Images That Will Ruin Your Childhood Forever
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:57 am
Tony Williams
Internet is full of trolls! It has already ruined our lives in one or the other way. It is about to ruin our childhoods now! Do you know why? The trolls on the internet have posted and popularized some pictures and clips from our favorite childhood TV shows and movies that are awkward, inappropriate and sexual! Knowingly or unknowingly, the cartoon shows and animated movie makers have included sexual innuendos/jokes in children cartoons. Since we were kids back then, we couldn't catch many of those hints! As we are no longer kids, let's have a quick look at all these images that will probably ruin our innocent and beautiful childhood forever!
#10 Marauders Map Harry Potter Movies
Marauders Map is a magical document that shows movements of people inside Hogwarts School. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew (The Marauders) made the map while they were attending the Hogwarts School. Argus Filch confiscated the map in their final year. Years later, Fred and George Weasley stole the map from Argus Filch's room. They gave the map to Harry Potter when they thought there was a threat to Harry from Sirius Black. When we saw the Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban movie in 2004, we are sure many of us missed this particular hint in the map. Watch the map closely on the extreme left-bottom side. Yes, two students were having sex!


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