15 Top Under 18 Millionaires That You Probably Don't Know About
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 11:51 am
Mike Litzler
While many of us can't tell when we can actually become a millionaire, these under 18 millionaires were very sure they were going to make millions during their teen years. Making money is never an easy job. You need to have skills, brains, patience and many more qualities to make big money. Luck plays a big role too. The young people you are about to see now have started some kind of business very early, and they made it a grand success by the time they turned 18. Know more about these fifteen people who became millionaires under the age of 18.
#5 Fraser Doherty
If your grandmother teaches you something, Make sure you learn it. Why? because she might be the foundation of your road to millionaire's club. Fraser Doherty's grandmother taught him Jam making when he was 14 years old. The Scottish guy started making Jam and selling it in the neighborhood when he was 15, At the age of 16 he dropped out of his school and started Super Jam. In 2007 he was supplying 180+ Waitrose stores and currently has customers from UK too. Fraser Doherty has a net worth of 2 million Dollars.

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