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Awesome Movies That Flopped

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 8:55 am

1.Goodbye Columbus

When you have Steven Spielberg directing and Richard Dreyfuss with Audrey Hepburn starring, how can you go wrong. Well, the 1989 film, Always, proved that a lot can go wrong, when it remade the 1943 film, A Guy Name Joe, and received bad reviews from critics. It did well at the Box Office, but not as well as it should have.

2.John Carter

Released in 2012, John Carter was slated to be a huge Disney hit, but instead it died a slow death. The marketing of the film and the decision to change the name from John Carter of Mars to just John Cater, played a big role in turning audiences away from the film.

3.All The King's Men

When Robert Penn Warren's novel, All The King's Men was made into a 2006 movie, the reception was anything but warm. Strange casting choices, such as Sean Penn for the lead, may have been to blame. What makes it even more of a bitter pill to swallow is that the 1949 version, of the same novel, won Best Picture.

4.The Fifth Estate

When you have a rising star, such as Benedict Cumberbatch, a great director and a solid plot, you may think you have a Box Office smash, but that wasn't the case with The Fifth Estate. The film had everything needed for success but just couldn't pull it off with audiences.

5.The Bonfire Of The Vanities

The Bonfire of the Vanities, released in 1990, was an adaptation of Tom Wolfe's novel of the same name. With Brian DePalma at the helm as Director, the film was off to a great start, especially when it cast Tom Hanks in the lead role. However, other casting and internal problems caused the film to bomb with both audiences and critics.

6.The Lone Ranger

With a cast that includes Johnny Depp in one of the lead roles you would think the movie would be a huge success, so it was quiet a surprise when The Lone Ranger bombed at the Box Office. Their attempt to remake an old classic seems to have fallen flat despite the talents of both Armie Hammer in the title role, and Depp as Tonto.

7.A Good Year

Based on a best selling novel by Peter Mayle, A Good Year should have been a hit . Released in 2006 with Russell Crowe in the lead role and award winning Director, Ridley Scott, at the helm, it was a surprise when audiences stayed away from the film. Critics said the film went along at too leisurely a pace.


8.The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby, by author F. Scott Fitzgerald, has not had huge success as a film, even though it has been adapted into a screenplay twice, once in 1974 and once in 2013. Both films did not do as well as expected with both critics and audiences, even though the 2013 version did well at the Box Office.

9.The Fortune

Released in 1975, The Fortune stars Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty, two heavy hitters of their time. So why did the film flop? Critics didn't seem to like the throw back and audiences just didn't go see it. The script was written by Carole Eastman under the pen name of Adrien Joyce. Maybe if the Eastman name was used it would have drew a bigger crowd.


10.The Postman

Kevin Costner has had great success with many of his movies, but The Postman, released in 1997, was not one of them. Based on the award winning novel of the same name, the book just didn't translate to film quite as well as expected. While Costner was great in the role, audiences and critics didn't take to the film.

11.The Wolfman

The 2010 thriller, The Wolfman, starring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins in the lead roles, should have done well with audiences, but it flopped. Causes such as directors dropping out, having to reshoot the ending, and other internal problem, were most likely to blame, and even the strong cast couldn't save it.


12.The Day The Earth Stood Still

The remake of the 1951 classic, The Day The Earth Stood Still had a solid cast with Keanu Reeves, Kathy Bates and Jennifer Connolly in the lead roles. However, even with a stellar cast, the movie flopped at the Box Office. Sometimes some things are better left as they were, not to be remade.


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