15 Times Engineers Showed How To Fix Things Easily
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:59 pm
By:James Fraser
When something goes wrong, what do we do? Call an expert, right? Do you know that you too have an expert living inside you or maybe your bf/husband? Yes, we are talking about daily geniuses who don't need experts or engineers to fix their broken stuff. Check these fifteen images that show our 'daily engineers' fixing stuff in the easiest way possible.
1.When You Run Out of Spoons
When you run out of spoons next time, try making a spoon like this using a disposable cup. As you can see from the picture, someone made this funny spoon using a fork and plastic cup. It's better to eat your soup with spoon rather than sip soup directly from bowl, like a mountain goat!

2.When You Can't Buy Two New Things at a Time
Someone upgraded their TV, but not the cabinet. They know how to upgrade their cabinet to fit their new and big TV without spending any money. The family simply shaved off wood from side of the cabinet to fit their new TV. Well, that's one good way to save money and get the job done.

3.Why To Buy Car Stereo When You Can Stick A Cassette Player
Here, someone simply glued a cassette player to their age-old car. Does this look funny? Yes, it does! However, the owner of this car was happy because he could listen to his favorite song 'Red Barchetta' by Rush, while on the go! Can someone steal this music system again? NO - No thief can dare to steal this legendary car stereo again!

4.Fixing Broken Bookshelf with Books
Can you cure hair-loss with hair? NO! However, you can fix a broken bookshelf with books! Check this picture and see how a person used no more than books to fix a broken shelf. He even gave his fix a cool name, calling it 'essential structural purpose'. He may have to pick the most hated books to keep them there, so people will not take them out!

5.This Steering Pouch that Shows You the World
Most of us do this, though not exactly the way this person did. Using phones as navigation systems on cars is easy and efficient. Satnavs are great, but phones aren't bad too. If you have to buy a new car navigation system, you should probably check this idea once, before proceeding to buy a new one!

6.Best Ice Chest Alternative
This is commonsense in action. When there is a problem, you can easily solve it if you can use some commonsense. What do you do if you don't have an ice chest, but need to keep beer cool? Think of all things that look or work like an ice chest, until the idea of washing machine strikes your head.

7.Ending Left Hand vs. Right Hand Drive Struggle Like a Boss
A very few countries like UK, Australia, New Zealand, India etc drive on left. Since they drive on left side, all of their vehicles including cars, trucks and buses are equipped with steering on right side. In the picture, someone from a country that drives on left bought an imported car. Changing the position of steering wheels isn't easy even for engineers, but not to this person.

8.Brew Tea With Flatiron
It totally works! When you don't have access to a stove or a heating source, you can use your flatiron to make tea, boil water or make noodles. All you need is a kettle or bowl with flat metal base. However, you should be little careful with this though, as you may electrocute yourself if you don't know how to play well with the electricity, heat, iron and liquids all together.

9.When Windshield Wiper Motor Failed
Who need motors when you can fix a broken wiper this way! Aren't you wondering how this actually works? Well, it's not all that hard. Hold the thread from inside and pull it leftwards and then rightwards continuously. This looks funny but we guess you would take it if your car's wiper motor broke in middle of a long journey and it's raining.

10.This Good Wood Work on a Car
If you need to get that car repaired, you probably need to shell out hundreds of dollars. This cheap and quick fix by someone brought his car back to work. As we said earlier, there are two ways to fix broken stuff. One is going to an expert; and the second you being an expert. You can fix anything unless it is broken beyond repair.

11.This Cheap Fix to Missing Bottle Opener
Bottle opener is one of many things we keep losing in homes. Luckily, there are many alternatives to bottle opener ranging from a kitchen fork to human teeth! What you are seeing in the picture is one more quick and cheap alternative to a bottle opener and a wonderful kitchen hack. Zero damage to teeth guaranteed with this fix!

12.Protecting TV Satellite From Rain
Rain and satellite TV dish don't go well together. People who have satellite dish TV at home know the pain well. When there is rain outside, satellite dishes with worn out LNBs make TV screens flicker. This quick fix, as you are seeing from image, solves the problem in the easiest way, unless there's a storm outside.

13.A Watermelon Fixed That
This picture proves us once again that anything can be fixed with little thinking. We have a broken display rack over there. It would have been useless without that watermelon, which is supporting it. You can fix that rack with just anything that's hard and square. Apparently someone fixed that with something that's round and yummy!

14.This Cool Way to Fix Busy Life as a New Parent
We live in a fast paced world. We always run short of time for many things. Parenting too is one such thing. We always hope we have more time to spend it with our kids. As we have been discussing for a while, there's a fix for everything. There's a fix for parenting thing too! Check this picture and you too can probably install a virtual mommy or daddy to feed your kid with some milk.

15.This Crazy Car Tires Fix
Bad things happen. We may lose our car tires. That doesn't mean we should stop and buy new ones. Life keeps moving, and we have to keep moving as well. Though this idea looks funny, it's a fix after all! We leave this mind blowing fix on you to think and define it by yourselves.

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