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2013s Most Influential People

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 8:20 am

1.Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer is still very young, but she is managing to make big strides in Hollywood. It is the fact that she has been voted as one of the best young actresses out there that has led to her being classed as one of the most influential people in the world.

2.Elon Musk

Elon is influential thanks to a couple of things he has created, but one thing in particular stands out as he was the founder of Paypal. In other words it is thanks to him that millions of transactions take place every single day online and without him you would have to purely require a credit card direct to your bank rather than the options that they give you.

3.Ted Cruz

Ted is the senator for Texas and that does mean that he is quite an influential guy in US politics. He is a member of the Tea Party and quite a prominent figure in it, so that also adds to the amount of influence that he holds.

4.Bryan Cranston

Well this may seem a bit strange having an actor in the list of most influential people, but that is all down to his role in Breaking Bad. Before that he was in Malcolm in the Middle for 6 years, and has won several awards for his different roles. We will certainly miss him in Breaking Bad.

5.Rand Paul

When it comes to senators that are making a name for themselves is there anybody else that is hitting the headlines more than this guy? He at least stands up for what he believes in, even if it is not the right thing according to the majority of the population, but it is with the budget that he seems to have the most interest in.

6.Warren Buffett

Warren has given away so much of his money that there is no way that he cannot be influential in the world. Of course he has a lot of money in the first place, but he has also encouraged other billionaires to follow suit, so for that reason he deserves to be one of the most influential people of the year.

7.Vladimir Putin

Putin has been influential for the wrong reasons as he introduced a law that has put a lot of pressure on homosexuals and allows them to be persecuted just for their sexuality. He says it is to protect children, but the rest of the world sees it has being homoph0bic.


8.Bill Gates

Bill is always going to be influential due to the role that Microsoft play in the world today. However, his charity is also doing a lot of good around the world and he is turning more to that side of things and with the amount of cash that he has available you just know that a number of lives are going to be drastically improved.

9.Nelson Mandela

This was a sad year with the passing of Nelson Mandela. This guy did so much in his life and managed to change the entire country of South Africa with him pressing for the end of Apartheid. He was still influential up until the point where he was too ill to carry on.


10.Pope Francis

Well this guy is completely different to his predecessor and people just love the fact that he is down to earth and shuns all of the glitz associated with being Pope. He prefers to live a humble life and it is no surprise that his popularity is through the roof.

11.Edward Snowdon

Well unless you have been on a different planet in 2013 you will know who this guy is. He is responsible for leaking so much information on the way that the US government spies on people and countries that he has done untold damage.


12.Malala Yousafzai

You may be wondering how a little girl could be one of the most influential people of 2013, but she does have a remarkable story. She stood up against the Pakistan Taliban since she wanted to get an education and campaigned against them. They ended up shooting her in the head in a targeted attack, but she survived and has brought so much attention to kids education in the country.


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