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15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:30 pm

Teachers and professors play critical role in everyone's life. We are all connected to them for a good fifteen to twenty years of our life, until we complete our education. There are good teachers, and then there are bad ones. You can recall those teachers whom you absolutely loved, and the ones who gave your nightmares and made your life miserable. Here are fifteen cool professors you wish you have in your school or university.
1.Professor All Prepared to Answer Students' Questions

'But, is it in the syllabus?' - We often hear folks in our classroom asking professors whether the concept or topic they are teaching is in the syllabus or not. This professor, as you can see from the image, decided to answer that question in style! He wore a tee that has 'it's in the syllabus' text printed on it.

Professor All Prepared to Answer Students' Questions-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

2.This Brutal Honest English Teacher

We all remember those life lessons teachers taught us. It is true that most of us find their teaching or preaching boring and useless. Most teachers and professors are either too sweet or too harsh. Here, we have someone whom we believe is a right blend. Despite being called f*ckers, we believe this professors' students still like him.

This Brutal Honest English Teacher-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

3.This Professor in a Minion Costume

There are many ways to win students' hearts. Not giving homework, or conducting tests, is surely one. The other way is to dress like a minion! We all love minions, don't we? In this picture, you can see a professor wearing minion costume, and giving a class. Was he teaching anatomy of minions there? You can find some really interesting drawings on the board and how he modified E.Coli to E.Minioni.

This Professor in a Minion Costume-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

4.When You Have a Class on Halloween Day

Unfortunately, most schools in US are open on Halloween day because it is not an official holiday. Most students stay awake late on Halloween nights, and still go to their schools next day. In this picture, you can see an awesome professor who came to class in a Halloween's costume. His super villain Skeletor's costume was really cool!

When You Have a Class on Halloween Day-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

5.Biology Professor Version of Saying Don't be Stupid

Professors are very smart. They are so smart that we even think why they are in teaching profession when they can make much more money by working somewhere else. Never ever make them mad or try to outsmart them. Here in the picture, a biology professor has asked his students simply not to be stupid, in his own words!

Biology Professor Version of Saying Don't be Stupid-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

6.This Professor Who is Also a Master of Camouflage

Do you find anything weird in this picture? Check it again? Ok, let us tell you. That was just a poster of a professor which was glued on his office door. A professor who never stays in his office came up with this idea of sticking his poster on door, so anyone who sees the door think the professor is in there. That was one brilliant idea unless someone really looks inside.

This Professor Who is Also a Master of Camouflage-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

7.Professor and Her Live Physics Demonstration

Some students always question the real uses of a subject or concept in real life. They question the need of learning something that was happened in the past. As you can see from the picture, a professor used a simple physics hack to warm up the room temperature. You can use physics smartly in your life if you know how to use it well.

Professor and Her Live Physics Demonstration-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have


8.This Professor Who Hit Students Right on Their Feelings

Cheating in tests is very common in all parts of the world. Some teachers just let their students cheat, while some put super villain efforts to stop students from cheating. As you can see from the picture, a professor tried to prevent his students from cheating in a real smart way. Every time a student copies something from internet, this kitten becomes sad!

This Professor Who Hit Students Right on Their Feelings-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

9.This Professor Who Dressed Right for the Occasion

Thanks to Breaking Bad - now one doesn't need to be a chemistry student or a hardcore drug user to know what methamphetamine is. This chemistry professor, as you are seeing in the picture, dressed like Walter White (Breaking Bad) to give a class on methamphetamine, which is also known as crystal meth.

This Professor Who Dressed Right for the Occasion-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have


10.Good Guy Professor

A professor apologized to a student right on the test paper itself because he spilled beer (or maybe cum) on it. Most professors would have let that slippage go without an apology. This professor was different. Do you mind having a professor who grades test papers while drinking cool beer?

Good Guy Professor-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

11.This Professor Who Can Do Anything Just to Make You Pass Test

This professor just wants all of his students pass test, no matter what! As you can see from the image, he prepared a cool and funny question. All the students need to do is select 'true' as instructed. Now most of us feel bad for not having professors like him. We are sure that there will be at least one person in the class who will get this question wrong!

This Professor Who Can Do Anything Just to Make You Pass Test-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have


12.Professors Reads out His Own Student Reviews

This professor was reading out reviews written by his students for him. While he looks like a very happy professor with great smile on his face, the reviews of him on the board look scary. Someone even compared this professor to a serial killer! If those reviews are true, he would be the most interesting professor we have ever seen!

Professors Reads out His Own Student Reviews -15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

13.Another Highly Friendly Professor

When we first saw a professor trying to make his students pass test by answering a simplest question, we thought professors like him are very rare. We may be wrong! Now we have another professor here who has done same thing to help his students pass test. Our world needs more of them!

Another Highly Friendly Professor-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

14.Because Using a Laser Pointer is Too Mainstream

This old professor uses that long bamboo stick to point out stuff on the screen. Usually, professors use a laser pointer to point out at things on a classroom board or screen. This professor, who thinks using a laser pointer is too mainstream, uses this stick instead. He looks like a 'sea god' who is ready to bless all his followers!

Because Using a Laser Pointer is Too Mainstream-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

15.When Teachers Troll

As we told earlier, teachers are very smart. They don't always troll, but when they do, the result would be something like this. As you can see from the image, the professor there totally trolled all of his students telling them Taylor Swift was giving away free concert tickets. Fans of Taylor Swift might have hated him for the disappointment.

When Teachers Troll-15 Awesome Professors That Everyone Wishes To Have

All these professors do show us that teaching can be fun if you do it correctly and enjoy it, While these professors are really amazing but we do recollect some of the coolest teachers in the world, Here are some of the coolest teachers everyone would like to have.


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