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15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 12:53 pm

We don't know many things! It isn't a big deal because no one knows everything completely. However, for some reasons, we miss those simple things we should have known long time back. Be it facts, tips or tricks, there is an ocean of things we need to know just to make our lives simpler or perfect. Here is an assorted list of fifteen random things you probably didn't know before. 
13.'Buttload' is an Actual Measurement

'Buttload' isn't a casual or slang term. It is an actual measurement mostly used by the alcoholic beverage industry. One buttload equals to 126 gallons. 

'Buttload' is an Actual Measurement -15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

14.Soda Cup Lids are Made to Work as Coasters

You can use a soda cup's lid as a drip-catching coaster. Most soda cups are specially designed to work this way. Don't throw the lid away! 

Soda Cup Lids are Made to Work as Coasters-15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

15.Takeout Boxes Can be Used as Plates

They are made to work that way. You don't need to transfer the food from takeout box/container to a plate.

Takeout Boxes Can be Used as Plates-15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

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