15 Trashy Things Every Drunk Girl Has Done But Wouldn't Admit
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 4:54 pm
By:James Fraser
Drinking takes your mind on an adventurous trip that lasts about few hours. It makes people happy. It gives them much needed relief. Alcohol makes people forget their problems temporarily. These are the main reasons why people drink. Sounds good, right? Well, drinking has some terrible downsides. You already know what they are. Let's talk about some mistakes people make when they are drunk. Did we just say PEOPLE? Okay, make it GIRLS, We will cover up guys in another list! Check these fifteen funny mistakes drunk girls usually do.
13.Posting Unwanted Status Messages or Tweets
Girls post immature, embarrassing or hate messages on Facebook/Twitter that make them regret the next morning! On a bad day, they may even post some hilarious Facebook drunk posts!

14.Drunk Driving and Being Rude to Cops
According to FBI, approx 8% of women drive under the influence of alcohol or some frugs. Driving under the influence is more common than we may think.

15.Revealing Best-Kept Secrets to Friends
No matter how close people are to us, sometimes it's good not to reveal those best-kept secrets to them. But we reveal them only when we get wasted and start crying unnecessary over the events that happened months or years back!

So how many of these you agree to? Don't lie, We know you have done some of these things, ask your friends if you are not sure they know you more when it comes to drinking. Don't miss these hilarious drunk texts that you must have sent once in your life when you were drunk.
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