15 Hilarious Facebook Drunk Posts
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:33 pm
By:James Fraser
Alcohol and Facebook don't go well together. When you are drunk, you can't stop yourself from posting nonsense on Facebook. There's a deep connection between alcohol and Facebook. It's hard to control that urge to post something on Facebook when you are drunk. Here are fifteen hilarious drunk posts on Facebook that force you not to post a single word on Facebook when you are drunk.
1.This Funny Drunk Guy
How to become a zero from hero on Facebook? It's simple! Post a dumb drunk status message like this guy. As we said earlier, you don't even know what you are doing when you are drunk. Apparently, this guy said some anonymous person has gifted him a wine. He later realized it was him who bought that wine actually.

2.Don't Drink and Drive or Travel
Travelling is one of the many things you need to avoid when you are drunk. Why? Because, your drunk brain will take your stomach and its contents for a free ride! In this picture, you can see a drunk lady puking in a trashcan inside a subway station. She puked so hard that a bystander started puking seeing her.

3.This Guy Who Thinks It's Okay to Go to Office While Drunk
Who would go to work in a drunken state? Meet this person who did! He or she even announced that on Facebook saying they are coming to work in a drunken state. As expected, the person was sent back home by his boss. We hope he or she wasn't fired from the company, though they truly deserved that to happen.

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