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Unusual Pets That Are Legal To Own

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 5:09 pm


The laws on ownership of a tarantula vary from state to state, but there's no question that this furry creature is an ideal house pet -- at least for those who have roommates they'd like to scare to death. They have been known to live ten to twenty-five years. Just long enough for your roommate to find a new apartment.

2.Bearded dragon

The bearded dragon may be something of a disappointment if you're expecting an actual dragon. They are only a few inches long and they don't -- as far as I'm aware -- technically breathe fire. Worst of all, they don't actually have beards. Apart from that they are perfect in every way.


These exotic creatures from Africa can live up to twenty years and supposedly can squeeze themselves through any space their heads can fit through. Best news of all is that they are perfectly legal, because, as we see in the picture, it's difficult to be discreet with a genet.


This quilled creature makes for a great -- if unusual -- house pet for all the obvious reasons. First they are cute. And second... oh, come on! Do you really need a second reason? Look how cute they look! They are found in wide variety of locations, mainly Europe, Asia and Africa.


Don't be deceived by the degu's ordinary hamster-like looks. These are no normal rodents. It is said of these animals that they are so intelligent that they are more likely to bond with humans than with hamsters or gerbils. But don't expect them to help you do your taxes. They are probably not that intelligent.

6.Pacman frog

Yes, these strange and exotic creatures were named after the once-popular arcade video game that your older brother may recall. They have unusually large mouths -- this is how they got the name. I suppose they would make good pets as long as you don't run out of cherries to feed them.

7.Sugar Glider

How could something called a sugar glider be anything except an ideal pet? Here's how: they are nocturnal creatures which means they'll be asleep when you're up and they'll be partying all night long -- not great for those of us with jobs. Also the legality of sugar gliders varies from one state to the next, so the hand in this picture may belong to a man headed to prison.


8.Pygmy goat

As its name would suggest, a pygmy goat is basically just a small goat. Nothing difficult to understand about that at all. But what may be a little complicated is understanding how the pygmy goat came to be viewed as an ideal house pet. Indeed even Abraham Lincoln kept one at the White House


These natives to Central and South America are commonly kept as house pets in such places as El Salvador and Honduras, where they are known as micoleones which means "lion monkeys." Maybe it's me but that nickname suggest the kinkajou may not be as docile as they look.



Also known as the Mexican Salamander, this adorable thing can serve as a lesson in evolution as they are an animal that has failed to fully adapt to land and retains its gills. By the way, if you should accidentally snap off one of the Axoloti's body parts, don't worry -- it will grow right back.

11.Stick insect

This slender thing will probably not require much care. They don't eat much and they are unlikely to cause much harm. Nor will you need to put a leash on this house pet when you take it out for daily walks. Just be careful where you sit because they seem to snap easily.



If you've ever wanted to own the largest rodent in the world, I am happy to announce that you may do so legally, The first thing you must do is learn to pronounce its name, the capybara. Then you must take a trip to South America where this odd looking creature is typically found.


Good news, exotic pet seekers! As of right now, it perfectly legal to own a walleroo in the US. If you're like me you probably greet this news with a question: what is a walleroo? The simple answer is that this creature is a mixture of a kangaroo and a wallaby. The picture suggests that a wallaroo is a standing rat.


The chinchilla is a rodent, but for what it's worth, it's prettier than a rat. They are found mostly in the Andes mountains, but because it is perfectly legal to own a chinchilla, you could possibly find them in New York or San Francisco. Fun fact: the chinchilla bathes in dust because water cannot penetrate its dense fur.


This menacing looking creature is called a serval. The fact that you can own a serval without fear of running afoul of the law is probably good news to people who would like to own something that looks like a leopard but is slightly less likely to eat you. The serval's lifespan is usually around nineteen years.


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