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15 Famous Personalities Who Married Their Family Members

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 9:19 pm

Marrying family members, particularly cousins, is taboo in many countries,Read More (+)
10.Charles Darwin

The English naturalist and geologist, Charles Darwin, married his cousin Emma Wedgewood. He was very afraid of weaknesses caused by inbreeding, but most of his children grew well and had good careers.

Charles Darwin-15 Famous Personalities Who Married Their Family Members

11.John F. Fitzgerald

John Francis "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald was an American politician. He is the father of Rose Kennedy and maternal grandfather of President John F. Kennedy. He married his second cousin Mary Josephine Hannon.

John F. Fitzgerald-15 Famous Personalities Who Married Their Family Members

12.Jerry Lee Lewis

Jerry Lee Lewis, American singer, songwriter and pianist, who rocked the world with "Great Balls of Fire," married his 13-year-old cousin in 1958, when he was 22. His popularity came right down and was blacklisted by radios after the marriage.

Jerry Lee Lewis-15 Famous Personalities Who Married Their Family Members

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