15 Famous Personalities Who Married Their Family Members
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 9:19 pm
By:James Fraser
Marrying family members, particularly cousins, is taboo in many countries, religions and cultures.It's also genetically incorrect as it results in genetic disorders. However, cousin marriages or marrying family members isn't uncommon. Cousin marriage laws in the United States differ from state to state. Cousin marriages are allowed in states like California, Florida, Maryland, and New York. In states like Texas and Nevada, it is against the law to have sex or marry one's cousin. Check out these fifteen famous personalities who married their family members.
13.Igor Stravinsky
Popular 20th century Russian composer married his cousin Catherine Nossenko.

14.Saddam Hussein
The deceased Iraqi leader married his first cousin Sajida Talfah. The couple got engaged when Saddam was only five years old. They met again only on their wedding day in 1963. The couple had five children together.

15.Jesse James (Outlaw)
Infamous American outlaw, Jesse James, who was known for train robberies, was also a cousin-kisser. He married his first cousin Zerelda "Zee" Mimms.

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