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15 People Confess Their Worst First Date On Twitter

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 4:49 pm

Lots of people complain about their dates going wrong. Unless you are an expert at it, you are not going to pull off a great date. If it isyour first date, the chances are high that it is going to get ruined for obvious or strange reasons. You or your partner may ruin it. Even if you guys are confident enough, someone or something else may ruin it. Recently, Jimmy Fallon asked people to tweet their worst first date story, and they did. Check out fifteen horrible first date fails as tweeted by people. 
10.And This First Date that Didn't Go as Planned

Yep - spoiled by a third person. I think we all learned a dating lesson from this incident!

And This First Date that Didn't Go as Planned-15 People Confess Their Worst First Date On Twitter

11.Exactly the Kind of Men Most Women Hate to Meet

You may find the girl sitting in front of you not attractive. You may not have any feelings for her. EVEN THEN - show her some respect by paying attention and spending quality time with her. 

Exactly the Kind of Men Most Women Hate to Meet-15 People Confess Their Worst First Date On Twitter

12.That Was Weird!!!

Some girls are just fine with that family bonding thing, but not all of them like it. Ideally, you shouldn't do anything that puts a woman out of her comfort zone. 

That Was Weird!!!-15 People Confess Their Worst First Date On Twitter

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