15 Silly Things We All Do Without Realizing
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:22 pm
By:James Fraser
Everyone has a weird habit. We may not observe them keenly, but we do lots of strange things. Some of us talk to ourselves. Some just let random words split out of the mouth at inappropriate times. However, we all have some common weird habits that we do almost every day. Check these fifteen completely random and funny things we usually do, but don't straightaway admit!
7.Turning Radio Down When You are Lost
Turning down radio wouldn't help you in the possible way when you lost your way, but you will do that anyway!
Wondering why? To focus!
8.Easiest Way to Reach the Moon
Well, everyone does this. You simply can't stay idle while on a long conversation on the phone. Can you?
Probably doing more workout than you did the whole week.
9.You Go into a Panic Mode at a Store
You aren't a thief. You have no intentions whatsoever to steal things. However, you often worry that people in the store will suspect you of shoplifting.
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