15 Drawings That Show Dads Should Stay Away From Children's Coloring Books
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 5:12 pm
By:James Fraser
Children love coloring books. They enjoy coloring their favorite animals, characters and cartoons. As an adult, do you think you still love those coloring books? You may not, but some people still do. They enjoy corrupting children's coloring books! They draw and paint all sorts of weird things to make the drawings awkward and inappropriate. Check fifteen drawings that show why adults need to stay away from children's coloring books, These are hilarious.
13.Is the Dog dead?
How to create long-lasting psychological disorders in children? Grab their coloring book, find an innocent and lovely animal's picture like this one, and paint it in the most insane way!

14.What a Cute Little Snail
Oh, wait a minute! The bear's going to kill it with a hammer? We thought the bear and the snail are friends! Oh dad no, what have you done!

15.This Awkward and Inappropriate Coloring Book Corruption
People are creative. They have ideas. Some of them are extremely good at showcasing their creativity in the form of art. Not all of them do it in the right way though. We never run short of funny and pervy artists! We have one such artist here.

READ MORE: 15 Completely Pointless Websites
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