15 People Reveal The Craziest Scandals That Happened In Their High School
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 4:05 pm
By:James Fraser
High school days are one of the best times of our lives. We were growing, learning, and exploring new things in life. High school is like a stepping stone of the real world. There is happiness, and then there are times you go through some hardships. There are friends, and then there are backstabbers. Scandals and controversies? Well, they are always there. Here are fifteen crazy scandals happened in high school, as shared by former students.
10.This Crazy Rumor
It's not always teachers; Principals are also sometimes involved.

11.The Poopetrator
Security cams are there for a purpose. They never fail to catch inappropriate school romances, but not nasty incidents like these.

12.This Awkward Fix by a School Management
What's more inappropriate here? Students getting caught playing in toilets or school removing toilet doors to stop such things from happening?

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