15 People Reveal The Craziest Scandals That Happened In Their High School
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 4:05 pm
By:James Fraser
High school days are one of the best times of our lives. We were growing, learning, and exploring new things in life. High school is like a stepping stone of the real world. There is happiness, and then there are times you go through some hardships. There are friends, and then there are backstabbers. Scandals and controversies? Well, they are always there. Here are fifteen crazy scandals happened in high school, as shared by former students.
13.This Confession
This is the most honest confession we have read so far. Oh boy, aren’t you surprised by the ways how these high schoolers are making money?

14.Hot Dog Twins
We hope you understand one of the very few downsides of having a twin brother or sister.

15.This Backstabber Girl
She is not alone. You will find and deal with many backstabbers (both girls and boys) in high school.

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