15 Weird Things That Most Guys Do Unknowingly, As Told By Women
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 1:59 pm
By:James Fraser
Guys, do you know that women find some of your acts weird? While they all look perfectly fine and okay for you and other bros around the world, women find them really, really, weird. Check out fifteen strange things men around the world usually do. From sitting with legs wide open to patting other men on their backs while hugging them, here is a funny but cool list of weird things men do, according to women.
1.Double Pant Slap
It is a habit for most men to tap their pant's pockets just to check whether or not their keys, purse, phone, etc. are intact. They particularly do this when they are about to leave a place like home or office. Men may find this 'double pant slap' or even 'triple pant slap' perfectly fine, but some women find this act very weird!

2.Lowering Your Voice While Talking to Dad
Some women feel men lower their voice by an octave when they talk to their dads. Guys, do you think this is true? It may be true because most men tend to have a formal family relationship with their fathers, while they move around and talk freely to their moms. Such men lower their voices out of respect towards their dads.

3.Saying "What?" to Buy More Time
When a girl asks a man a question that can put him in a bit of trouble, he may buy more time by just asking back with "what?", Even though he perfectly knows what the girl is asking. Women think men do this to have that extra second or two to think and tell a lie, or just divert, or cover up the issue.

4.Grimace on Face While Pulling Purse out
Here's another keen observation made by ladies. Most men can relate! They say that men put a weird grimacing face when they try to take out the wallet from their pants back pockets while they sit. Most men do this. And, none of them knows why. We humans tend to put weird facial expressions while doing many things. It's time for men to think and find those situations where women too put a grimacing face!

5.Not Washing Sheets
Women find it weird when men, particularly single men, don't wash their bed sheets for months. Not only women but a UK mattress company named Ergoflex found the same thing as well, from their survey. Most men tend to think it's okay not to wash bed sheets. They are not well aware of risks linked to unwashed sheets, like skin infections.

6.Men Take Too Much Time to Poop
Women say men take too much time to poop. And as a man, you may think that they are right! Men spend little more time in bathrooms. There are many reasons associated with this behavior. Men usually do many things in the bathroom other than just pooping. They read the news, play games, check tinder, browse websites, or just ... (you know what we mean!).

7.Keeping Large Amounts Of Change All Around The House
Single men can relate! Women think that men keep large amounts of change (coins) in their homes, usually stored in a container, or scattered everywhere on beds, tables, or even on the floor. Sometimes they end up having so many coins that they don't know what to do with them. Almost all top banks have coin machines at selected branches. Figure out them, and convert your change into lightweight bank credit again, if you are one of those men.

8.Making Weird Faces While Playing Video Games
Gamers, do you agree with this? Some women think men put funny faces while they play games - especially when in rapid firing mode, or about to lose. Maybe it's true. However, this has more to do with basic human nature. We believe that gamers who are women too may put the same kind of expressions when they play.

9.Peeing on Sides of Toilet So It Makes Less Sound
Most men do this. The obvious reason is that it doesn't make much sound, and the chances of splash-back are minimum. Men who directly aim at water don't care about the sound it makes. And yes, this was told by women as well. Now, you may start wondering how they can observe so many things!

10.Keeping Hands Inside While on Couch Watching TV
Guys do stick their hands in their pants while on the couch watching TV, or just sitting idle. There are many reasons why they do this. Keeping hands inside pants keep them warm and comfortable. Also, the male genitals structure is different. Sometimes, when they are sweaty, they stick to legs. Men move their hands around the genital area to set things comfortable there.

11.That Awkward Step to Unstick Sweaty Balls from Their Thighs
If you see a man walking awkwardly, on a sunny day, with severe discomfort on his face, he's just trying to unstick his balls from his leg. Brothers around him can instantly understand what's up with that guy. However, ladies find that weird. They find this behavior strange because most of them are not aware of what it feels like when balls get stuck to your leg!

12.How Unknown Men Can Become Best Buddies in Minutes
In general, women spend a lot of time with another lady and get to know about her thoroughly before making her best buddy. Men are different! They can make other men friends in just minutes. If you ever went on a double date, you will understand how two unknown men can turn into 'bros' instantly!

13.Double patting
It's just a sign of acceptance. When a man hugs another and gives a pat on his back, he is kind of accepting him as a friend or a bro. This gesture sometimes signifies appreciation or comforting. Guess what? Some women find this weird too.

14.Men Scratching Balls in Public
Women find it awkward when they see a man scratching his balls in public. Some women say they find the act inappropriate and disgusting. We know that this is a curious question for many ladies. Let us shed some light on this. Not all men scratch their balls in public, but Some of them do. Unlike women, men have their genitals hanging out. Sometimes, the positioning of them can go wrong and cause discomfort. Hence, it's not all about itching and scratching. They might be positioning things for more comfort.

15.Men Sit With Their Legs Wide Open
Yes, men sit with their knees splayed wide apart. It is also a fact that some women don't understand the logic behind this. The anatomy of man's body is different from a woman's. Men's reproductive organs hang out of their bodies while women have them inside. Men tend to keep their legs wide open because keeping legs too close for longer periods of time causes discomfort and sweating.

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