12 Famous Violinists Around The World
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 7:41 am
Tony Williams
The musical instrument violin has a history of five centuries. In the olden days, the violin music was considered diabolical. In fact, a violin is often referred to as devil's instrument! Today, the violin is one of the top musical instruments widely used in music production. However, the violin players are not as idolized as the other music instrument players like guitarists or drummers. Throughout the modern history, the world has witnessed some finest violin players who have produced soul-melting music with nothing but the four strings and a bow! Find out who those 12 famous violin players in the world are.
#2 Itzhak Perlman
If you like your violinist to be full of energy, then this is the guy for you. By just looking at him you can see that he is putting his heart and soul into the performance and that is reflected in the quality of his music. He really is a maestro.


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