12 Funniest Do Not Disturb Signs That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 12:09 pm
People who frequently travel or those who live in shared apartments are familiar with Do Not Disturb signs a little more than many of us. The main purpose of the signs is to prevent people from knocking the door or accidentally walking in. Hotel guests use the sign to inform the cleaning staff whether or not it's a good time to come in and clean. While most of the Do Not Disturb signs are ordinary pieces of cardboard, some do stand out from the rest with their distinctive appearance. Take a look at 12 funny Do Not Disturb signs that will grab your attention right away!
1.If You Know What I Mean Do Not Disturb Sign
Isn't this a perfect way to start the topic? The Do Not Disturb sign looks very funny. The sentence Do Not Disturb often sounds formal, and some people may still knock the door despite noticing the sign. However, when they see a cheeky sign like this, they will come to know what's actually happening inside, and leave the place with a smile on their face! More and more hotels should use funny and interactive Do Not Disturb signs like these, so the housekeeping staff knows why it's not okay to ignore the sign.

2.This Naughty Do Not Disturb Sign
Even we are curious to know where this funny Do Not Disturb sign is seen hanging! We don't think the sign belongs to a hotel because it is gender-specific and referring to masturbation. Many witty hotel Do Not Disturb signs usually refer to a couple having sex. Nonetheless, the sign is hilarious, and definitely one of the best on the list. It's visually attractive too. Well, the sign may be really referring to someone playing with their kitty, and perhaps we might have got it all wrong?!

3.You Better Be dead ... or close to it!
This is one serious sign. If you're not bleeding, don't both interrupting. While some people take a "do not disturb" sign lightly, you better heed the warning because whoever is behind that door obviously doesn't want company. Though fake blood could work, to draw them out ... at your own risk!
4.Sex In Progress Do Not Disturb Sign
This is yet another "sex in progress" sign, but the only way it differs from the others on the list is that it's straight to the point. The sign has a picture that shows a girl riding a guy, giving onlookers a feeling that the couple inside has been engaged in the sexual encounter, and it's not the ideal time to disturb them. The sign assures the couple's good times will not be disturbed. We firmly think that this sign is indeed referring to a couple having sex, and not a girl giving CPR to a guy!

5.Great Minds Think Alike
A little fun and humor go a long, long way. And, everyone knows a great mind needs peace and quiet to come up with great ideas. Even though someone's eyes are closed does not mean they are doing amazing things. Some even say the best ideas come to you when your asleep.
6.Shhhh ... The Grass Is Disturbing
Even the green, green grass seems to need some privacy. After all, grass is a living thing, so why not give it the same rights and respect as any other living creature. Does grass really dream? Who knows the truth, but it's a great way to get some quiet, either way.

7.Masturbation In Progress
Everybody does it, but many people shy away from admitting it or talking about it openly. However, sometimes, one needs to be outspoken about masturbation to minimize the risk of people walking in on them! This Do Not Disturb sign in the picture serves the exact purpose. The sign is particularly useful for those lazy and careless guys and girls who live in shared apartments! We don't think many people can use this sign unless one's a super extrovert!

8.Devil Pooping
It looks like you don't want to find out what's going on in this room. A latex suit, a red toilet, devil ears? Hmmm. I would walk away; walk away fast. Or, you could just laugh and knock. It could be funny to see just who thinks this is a funny way to have some privacy.
Photo Courtesty of rocksugarco.com
9.Do Not Disturb Or Else
It looks as if Freddy Kreuger might get you if you open this door, or worse yet, someone even more deranged, with claw fingers. Either way, this does not look like a very inviting room to enter. I would be very quiet when passing by. Whoever doesn't want to be disturbed really means it!
10.Tied Up or Tidy Up
The Borgata knows how to spice things up, with these cute signs. Either you want your room tidied, or you're tied up at the moment. A little hotel room maid dyslexia and there could be a big mix up in the room. What happens in Atlantic City, stays in Atlantic City.
Nothing like telling the boss you're taking a nap. At least George Costanza hid under his desk when he needed that afternoon snooze at work. It wasn't until his boss decided to wait for him in his office, that all hell broke loose. So with this sign, honesty is the best policy.
12.Disturbed Minds
A really funny way to keep people out when you want to be alone. Who knows what might be lurking behind closed doors. Knock at your own risk, and take the consequences. Put this sign on your office door, bedroom door, or even your hotel door, to get some laughs.
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