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Funny "Special Request" Pizza Box Drawings

Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 8:27 am

1.Goofy Pizza

Is this a self portrait, or a portrait of the person who ordered? Did they send a picture to have duplicated? No matter how it started, the picture is pretty funny and whoever opened the box got a pretty funny surprise. Would you want to eat your pizza looking at that face?

2.Giraffe And Unicorn

When a giraffe and unicorn have a fight, who wins? It seems we could find out when another pizza order is delivered, but why would a giraffe want to harm a unicorn anyway. Is he jealous of that long horn on its head, or the fact that everyone things he is magic?

3.Dinosaur Fun

This cute drawing was probably a request since it is named Bubbasaur. It could be for a child, or an adult who loves dinosaurs. Regardless, it is so adorable, and must be a lot of fun to open the pizza and not only get a smell of deliciousness, but also a cute little surprise.

4.Abraham Lincoln Love Pizza

This was a pretty clever use of Abraham Lincoln. Asking if he can four score a slice. Sometimes talent is hidden in the kitchens of fast food chains. Maybe someone will recognize the drawers talent and hire him somewhere else in the company, or another company. This is how some careers are made.

5.You Need Help Dude

It looks as though the person who ordered this pizza had a pretty strange request and the pizza employees didn't like it. At least they left him a message and maybe the message will get through. We are sure that all parties had a pretty good laugh though, at the absurdity.

6.Pikachu Ate It

It looks as though maybe Pikachu was playing wit his ball and made a ball sized hole in the pizza, or maybe he just ate it. Hopefully the recipients of this pizza have a sense of humor and don't mind that some of their pizza is missing. Actually the best part too, the cheesy part.


This pizza order included a request for a drawing of a wizard. It looks like the employees of Toppers pizza obliged he request with a great drawing of a wizard on the outside of the box, that incorporated the Toppers logo. Great thinking, they should be moved into marketing instead of the kitchen.


8.Message From Dr. Spock

Whether the person who ordered this pizza made a request for a Star Trek drawing, or he employee thought it would be funny to comment on his pizza topping choice, the drawing is priceless. Spock giving advice about eating too much bacon. Live long and prosper, if you don't eat bacon.

9.Sad Bear

It looks like whoever ordered this pizza had a little fun with their special request. Maybe they pushed it too far with the second part of their request, because this cute little bear just didn't like what he read. At least they got a drawing when they opened the box.



The simple "what" says it all. Either the recipient of the pizza asked for something they couldn't do, or the employees just wanted to have some fun. It must be strange to open the pizza box and find a message inside. Hopefully the ink doesn't get all steamy and drip onto the pizza.

11.South Park Pizza Chef

It looks like the recipients of this pizza made a special drawing request, and the employees gave them what they wanted. Looks like a drawing out of South Park, but it seems the employees are giving the recipient a warning to not ask for pictures, or else. A fun little way to make your pizza more personal.


12.Trying My Best

When you order pizza, did you know that when you make a special request you might get a drawing on your pizza box? Some people do know this, and actually request a specific drawing instead of special toppings on their pizza. This one of Abraham Lincoln is hilarious, as he does his best to deliver this pizza.


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