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15 Hilarious Logo Fails That Make You Say WTF!

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 9:44 am

A company's or a business's identity is visually expressed through a logo. Imagine all the top firms in the world without logos? It's tough to imagine them, right? We don't deeply observe, but logos and colors impact our mind in a big way. An attractive logo grabs people's attention and helps build a positive impression of the company. So, one should never ever mess up a logo! Check these fifteen hilarious logos fails and understand how people perceive awkward and inappropriate logos and laugh at them. 

#11 Clinica Dental Logo Fail

Clinica Dental Logo does not look wrong to people who visit dentist very often but a person who has never been to dentist would definitely point out what's wrong with the logo, the logo clearly speaks for position its meant to be, looks like the logo maker was in a good mood when he/she was designing it ;)

Clinica Dental Logo Fail-15 Hilarious Logo Fails That Make You Say WTF!


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