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Hilarious Santa Claus Fails

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 12:32 pm

1.Odd Man Out Santa

One of these things is not like the others. Santa Claus will always stick out like a sore thumb, especially when he's surrounded by a bunch of morbid-looking individuals. If these kids weren't going to smile, then there was no sense in them taking the picture. With any luck, this Santa didn't let the doom and gloom these kids possess rub off on him.

2.Marathon Santa

Even with hundreds of Santas in this marathon, a guy dressed as Jesus with a cross strapped to his back has still managed to outrun them all. None of the people dressed as Santa Claus have any extra weight on them, so there's no excuse as to why they aren't winning this race. Lesson of the day: When it comes down to it, Jesus always wins.

3.Party Animal Santa Claus

This Santa Claus is making a hug fool of himself. While everyone around him is wearing casual attire, this guy is dressed as a broke Santa. His beard looks like the hair that's left on the floor of a Barber Shop. On top of that, his outfit is entirely too big and he seems like reeks of dirty old socks.

4.Get Away from me Santa

This girl is not happy to be on Santa's lap. In fact, her face just screams "get away from me old man!" Even though he has a beard, this guy looks like your typical old man. There isn't anything festive about him, which makes his Santa Claus attempt a huge fail.

5.Mixed up Santa Claus

This guy obviously has his holidays mixed up. You have to be one odd person if you think dressing up as a mutated Easter Bunny-Santa is a funny thing to do. Instead of getting a few chuckles from the children, this guy has scared this little boy to the point of tears.

6.Weak Santa Claus

That awkward moment when Santa Claus isn't strong enough to hold onto a child. Santa Claus is supposed to be a plump guy, but it looks like these two might have switched places. Santa is trying his hardest to keep this kid on his lap. Meanwhile, the kid is just enjoying his time and is not even aware of his surroundings.

7.Incoherent Santa

This Santa Claus appears to have just rolled out of bed. His beard is dirty and his clothes are completely disheveled. On top of that he looks as though he's barely even coherent. Both he and the child need to be changed and a bottle of warm milk to give them some energy.


8.Sleeping Santa

This Santa found a new bed to sleep in. Mr. Claus is tuckered out from traveling the world and delivering presents. So instead of flying home, he decided to take a nap on a dirty train. Technically this Santa doesn't appear to be too clean either, so he meshes perfectly with this subway car.

9.Creepy Santa

If the Santa Claus at your nearby mall looks like this, run far away and never look back. This Santa is wearing a creepy mask and rather than give gifts, he looks like he's ready to eat people. His extra tight hold on the little girl doesn't help matters either.


10.Grumpy Santa

Santa Claus is supposed to be jolly, but this guy looks miserable and the message on his stomach reiterates that. Not only has he given up on being a legit Santa, but he appears to have given up on life as well. The only thing right about this Santa Claus is that he has a round belly, but other than that he's a fail.

11.Rudolph is Sober

This guy gives Santas around the world a bad name. He anticipated his reckless behavior and decided to make a sign to let people know that even though he's drinking, his imaginary reindeer will be driving him home. Then again, why would a kid be at an event where alcohol is served?


12.Bad Santa

Looks like Santa Claus has made his own naughty list. Jolly Old St. Nick isn't immune to getting in trouble and this picture is proof. It's not clear what this guy did, but it must have been pretty bad. The officer could have at least waited until the guy took off the Santa suit before slapping the cuffs on him.


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