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Ash Survived Lord Voldemort Twice!

Monday, Jul 10, 2017, 12:18 pm

Harry Potter and Pokemon are two completely different fictional universes with one born in the East and the other born in the West. Well, is there a common thing between the two cultures? Apparently, there is! Have you ever wondered what those scars on Ash's face are? Just as the meme describes, Lord Voldemort might have given those iconic scratches to Ash when he failed and tried to kill Ash, not once but twice! Hilarious meme, isn't it? By the way, wouldn't it be great if famous franchises in the world join hands to create cross-cultural movies or anime?

This Post Belongs To 12 Hilarious Pokémon Memes That Will Make Your Day 

Ash Survived Lord Voldemort Twice!


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