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You Fall - I Laugh!

Tuesday, Jul 11, 2017, 9:54 am

How to know if a person is your just friend or best friend? If you fall, injure yourself, or go through some bad period, your BFF is going to make fun of you - and at the same time, they are going to do their best to help you. Whereas a friend sympathizes with you, but they are less likely to lend a helping hand to bail you out of the problems. Our best friends know about us more than our parents do. They are always honest, they don't act, and our buddies will always be there for us just when we badly need them. If you don't find any of the above qualities in a person, don't treat them as your best friend and never share your love, food, or secrets with them!

This Post Belongs To 12 Best Friend Memes That Will Make You Say So Us 

You Fall - I Laugh!


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