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Funny Apples Popsicle Joke

Friday, Dec 29, 2017, 7:11 am

Well, this is one of those terrible yet funny jokes. It is not all that difficult to understand, and one may or may not find it humorous.  At least, this joke is not a complex one. This popsicle joke also seems to be a tricky riddle one can ask their friends. Most people are going to miss the basic logic and come up with a ballpark figure. For all the curious souls who are reading this topic, here is the actual answer. A full-grown Apple tree produces 3 to 6 bushels of apples. A lot of factors like climate, soil, variant, etc. influence the yield, though. 
This Post Belongs To 12 Funniest Popsicle Stick Jokes That Will Make You Lol 

Funny Apples Popsicle Joke


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