Jessica Rabbit's Undergarment Shot
Thursday, May 26, 2016, 7:57 am
Thanks to the movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, viewers know whether or not Jessica Rabbit wears underwear! During the scene where Jessica Rabbit and Bob Hoskins run into a lamp post, the cartoon vixen is thrown out from the vehicle. There are several scenes where her dress flies up, and her lady parts (the cartoon version of course) are exposed.
When played at normal speed, or when someone watched it in a movie theater, there is absolutely no chance of seeing what's under her red gown! To see what's really wrong with the scene, one has to play that particular scene very slowly, frame by frame, using pause and play buttons.
There's even a scene where Jessica Rabbit has her legs spread apart for some odd reason. Guys across the globe probably broke their video tapes rewinding that scene!
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