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Katy Perry - Achluophobia

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016, 6:26 am

Achluophobia is fear of darkness. In an interview with Radio Times, Katy Perry has said she is afraid of darkness. She said she always sleep with lights on. She believes darkness is closely associated to evil. She said, "I think a lot of evil things go on in the dark. I still have to cover my toes because I'm like that kid who thinks there's a witch under my bed who's going to eat my tootsies off."
Katy Perry is also afraid of her parents. Since Katy grew up in a strict orthodox Christian family, she wasn't allowed to listen to any music other than gospel. She used to sneak pop music CDs into house, but was always afraid that her parents might catch her.

Katy Perry - Achluophobia

See More: Hottest Katy Perry's Feet And Legs Pics

This Post Belongs To 15 Celebrities With Weird Phobias 


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